vegan travel Chile

Chile runs down South America's west coast for 4,300km and boasts one of the planet's most diverse landscapes, from the northern arid deserts, then fertile valleys, the tall peaks of the Andes and endless beaches, volcanoes, lush-green forests, Islands full of legends, to ice fields in the south. The capital of Santiago offers many fine museums and art galleries.

As well as trekking there are adventures climbing, river rafting, mountain biking to be found in a superb range of national parks and conservation areas.

Chile's diversity is also reflected in its range of indigenours people, from the alpa herders found in the high plains of the Andes to the cowboys (huasos) of Patagonia.

Patagonia is a hiking and wildlife paradise, with giant blue whales, penguins and puma. And Chile's people are as striking as their land, from ancients preserved as 7,000-year-old Chinchorro mummies to the altiplano alpaca herders, Patagonian cowboys and indigenous tribes of today


We are planning a tour to Chile in 2022. Check our list of Top Sights and decide when to go